Multiple Choice Questions
Q: Oxidative phosphorylation occurs during photosynthesis is:
A) Photosynthesis
B) Respiration
C) Photorespiration
D) Protein synthesis
Q: The wavelength of light most absorbed during photosynthesis is:
A) 450 nm
B) 550 nm
C) 660 nm
D) 700 nm
Q: Leaf photosynthates are transported to roots through the cells of:
A) Xylem
B) Phloem
C) Pith
D) Endodermis
Q: The useful shape of growth curve is:
A) Linear
B) Inverted bell-shaped
C) Sigmoid
D) Zig-zag
Q: Bacterial transformation was discovered by:
A) Freed Griffith
B) Robert Brown
C) Beadle and Tatum
D) Avery, McCload, and McCarty
Q: The useful activities of several bacteria are:
A) Nitrogen fixation
B) Nitrification
C) Biogeochemical cycles
D) All of these
Q: In bacterial cell, the respiratory enzymes are located in:
A) Mitochondria
B) Mesosome
C) Centrosome
D) All of these
Q: The cells of the bacterium Streptococcus remain arranged in the form of:
A) Chain
B) Irregular cluster
C) Cube
D) Plate
Q: Which of the followings can utilize molecular nitrogen (N₂) as nutrient for growth?
A) Mucar
B) Spirogyra
C) Rhizobium
D) Methanococcus
Q: Tunica-Corpus theory was proposed by:
A) Hanstein
B) Eamed
C) Schmidt
D) Haberlandt
Q: Secondary growth in thickness makes distinct annual rings in plants growing in:
A) Tropical regions
B) Arctic regions
C) Regions with seasonal variations
D) Any region
Q: Tyloses are seen in:
A) Ray parenchyma and xylem cells
B) Ray parenchyma only
C) Phloem Cells
D) Collenchyma cells
Q: Lignin is the important constituent in the cell wall of:
A) Xylem
B) Phloem
C) Cambium
D) Parenchyma
Q: The plant that produces spores, has vascular tissues and bear seeds without fruits:
A) Bryophyte
B) Pteridophyte
C) Gymnosperm
D) Angiosperm
Q: A fruit in which the part other than that of usual fruit is also edible is:
A) Achene
B) Sorosis
C) Drupe
D) Samara
Q: An example of pseudocarp is:
A) Pear
B) Pineapple
C) Mango
D) Banana
Q: Without fertilization, the development of an embryo from an egg is called:
A) Parthenocarpy
B) Parthenogenesis
C) Apogamy
D) Allogamy
Q: The occurrence of more than one type of leaves on the same plant is know as:
A) Anisophylly
B) Heterophylly
C) Dimorphism
D) All of these
Q: A bisexual flower which always remains closed is called:
A) Cleistogamous
B) Chasmogamous
C) Geitonogamous
D) Dichogamous
Q: Most common ovule having funiculus lying cloe to the micropyle is called:
A) Anatropous
B) Campylotropous
C) Amphitropous
D) Circinotropous
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