Multiple Choice Questions

English Literature & Linguistics

Q: "All good poetry is spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" .Who made this statement?
A) P.B. Shelley
B) De Quincey
C) W. Wordsworth
D) None of these
Q: "The crown of wild Olive" is written by:
A) Charles Lamb
B) Carlyle
C) John Ruskin
D) None of these
Q: "Gulliver's Travels" is a:
A) Thrilling storyF:FB:E
B) Tragedy
C) Satire
D) None of these
Q: Hemingway wrote:
A) The sun also rises
B) The Rivals
C) The Jew of Malta
D) None of these
Q: The heroine of "Pride and Prejudice" is:
A) Emme
B) Elizabeth
C) Lydia
D) None of these
Q: "Hyperion" of Keats may be classified as:
A) An Ode
B) Sonnet
C) An Epic
D) None of these
Q: T.S. Eliot wrote:
A) The Pasture
B) The Waste Land
C) Birches
D) None of these
Q: Who considers "Hamlet" to be an Artistic failure?
A) A.C. Bradley
B) T.S. Eliot
C) Kermode
D) None of these
Q: In which of the following genres did the Victorian Literature achieve its greatest success?
A) Drama
B) Epic Poetry
C) Lyric Poetry
D) The Essay
Q: Who wrote "Jane Eyre"?
A) Charlotte Bronte
B) Emile Bronte
C) Anne Bronte
D) None of these
Q: What is the name of Wordsworth's long poem?
A) The Canterbury Tales
B) Don Juan
C) The Prelude
D) None of these
Q: A poem mourning someone's death is called:
A) A Fable
B) An Epic
C) An Elegy
D) None of these
Q: Who wrote "The Second Coming"?
A) E. Spencer
B) T.S. Eliot
C) W.B. Yeats
D) None of these
Q: Which one of the following writers is not a woman?
A) Emile Bronte
B) Jane Austen
C) Robert Browning
D) None of these
Q: Earnets Hemingway has written:
A) Old Man and the Sea
B) Mr. Chips
C) Pride and Prejudice
D) None of these
Q: Who wrote "Gulliver's Travels" ?
A) Charles Dickens
B) Chaucer
C) Jonathan Swift
D) None of these
Q: Which of the following is a dramatist?
A) Ben Johnson
B) Lord Byron
C) T.S. Eliot
D) None of these
Q: Which of the following is not a play by Shakespeare?
A) Hamlet
B) Macbeth
C) Dr. Faustus
D) None of these
Q: Which is the famous Elegy written by Shelley?
A) In Memorium
B) Lycidas
C) Adonais
D) Thyrsis
Q: "The Elgin Marbles" inspired Keats to write:
A) Endymion
B) Lamia
C) Ode to a Grecian Urn
D) Ode to Melancholy
Q: The line "She dwells with beauty-beauty that must die" occurs in Keats:
A) Lamia
B) Ode to a Grecian Urn
C) Ode to Melancholy
D) Endymion
Q: Maggie is the central character in George Eliot's:
A) Adam Bede
B) Middle March
C) Silas Marner
D) The Mill on the Floss
Q: The line "Beauty is truth, truth Beauty, that's all" occurs in Keat's poem:
A) Ode to a Nightingale
B) Ode to a Grecian Urn
C) Ode to Psyche
D) Ode to Autumn
Q: In his poetry, Tennyson is:
A) The Representative Poet of the Victorian Age
B) A mirror of the Romanticism
C) One of the younger Romantics
D) The best Nature Poet
Q: "She cannot fade, though Though thou hast not thy. For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair" . The above two lines have been taken from:
A) Keat's Ode to a Nightingale
B) A thing of beauty
C) La Belle Dame Sans Merci
D) Ode an on Grecian Urn
Q: Philip Wakem, Aunt Pullet and Tom Tulliver are the characters of G. Eliot's novel:
A) Silas Marner
B) Adam Bede
C) Middle March
D) The Mill on the Floss
Q: "In the Memorium" by Tennyson is:
A) An Elegy
B) A Collection of Elegies
C) A Lyric
D) None of these
Q: The poem "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" is written by:
A) P.B. Shelley
B) W. Blake
C) Lord Byron
D) Robert Browning
Q: "Specimen of English Dramatic Poets who Lived About the Time of Shakespeare" by Charles Lamb is a:
A) Novel
B) Long Poem
C) Critical Work
D) None of these
Q: "The Essays of Elia" by Charles Lamb appeared collectively in:
A) 1820
B) 1822
C) 1823
D) 1824
Q: The subsequent volume of "The Essays of Elia" appeared in:
A) 1830
B) 1831
C) 1833
D) 1834
Q: "The Adventures of Ulysses" is written by:
A) T.S. Eliot
B) R.Browning
C) Charles Lamb
D) None of these
Q: Which of the following is not a work by Charles Lamb?
A) The Waste Land
B) Beauty and the Beast
C) Pride and Prejudice
D) None of these
Q: The poem "The Waltz" by Byron was published in:
A) 1812
B) 1813
C) 1814
D) 1815
Q: The poem "The Giaour" was written by:
A) Robert Browning
B) W. Wordsworth
C) John Keats
D) Lorn Byron
Q: The poem "The Bride of Abydos" by Byron was published in:
A) 1810
B) 1812
C) 1813
D) 1814
Q: The poem "Lara" was written by:
A) John Milton
B) Chaucer
C) Lord Byron
D) None of these
Q: The poem "The Giaour" was published in:
A) 1812
B) 1813
C) 1814
D) 1815
Q: The poem "Parisina" was written by:
A) T.S. Eliot
B) P.B Shelley
C) Lord Byron
D) None of these
Q: The poem "lara" by Bron was published in:
A) 1813
B) 1814
C) 1815
D) 1816
Q: The poem "Parisina" by Byron was published in:
A) 1815
B) 1816
C) 1814
D) 1815
Q: The poem "The Curse of Minerva" was written by:
A) Byron
B) Browning
C) P.B Shelley
D) John Keats
Q: The poem "The Curse of Minerva" by Byron was published in:
A) 1810
B) 1811
C) 1812
D) 1813
Q: The pamphlet "The necessity of Atheism" was written by:
A) W. Blake
B) P.B Shelley
C) Robert Browning
D) Lord Byron
Q: Who is the author of "Characters of Shakespeare's play"?
A) Carlyle
B) W.Hazlitt
C) Charles Lamb
D) None of these
Q: Jane Austin's first novel was:
A) Sense and Sensibility
B) Persuation
C) Pride and Prejudice
D) None of these
Q: Northanger Abbey by Jane Austin was published in:
A) 1818
B) 1819
C) 1820
D) 1821
Q: Who is the author of "Biographia Literaria"?
A) Byron
B) Keats
C) Coleridge
D) Wordsworth
Q: Who described Coleridge as The most impressive talker of his age?
A) Charles Lamb
B) Carlyle
C) W.Hazlitt
D) None of these
Q: On whose death Charles Lamb wrote: "Never I saw his likeness nor probably the world can see again"?
A) W.Hazlitt
B) Wordsworth
C) Byron
D) None of these

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