Multiple Choice Questions
Q: Nearest meaning of Pall (CSS-2016)
A) Light
B) Satiate
C) Carry
D) Horror
Q: Nearest meaning of Sacrosanct (CSS-2016)
A) Prayer
B) Sanctuary
C) Pious
D) Sacred
Q: Nearest meaning of Louche (CSS-2016)
A) Gauche
B) Fine
C) Brilliant
D) Indecent
Q: Nearest meaning of Stentorian (CSS-2016)
A) Violent
B) Misbegoten
C) Loud
D) Stealthy
Q: Nearest meaning of Loquacious (CSS-2016)
A) Talkative
B) Thirsty
C) Beautiful
D) Complicated
Q: Nearest meaning of Chimera (CSS-2016)
A) Chimney
B) Protest
C) Illusion
D) Panache
Q: Nearest meaning of Temerity (CSS-2016)
A) Audacity
B) Fearfulness
C) Shyness
D) Stupidity
Q: Nearest meaning of Impecunious (CSS-2016)
A) Wealthy
B) Cautious
C) Hungry
D) Tardy
Q: Nearest meaning of Sapient (CSS-2016)
A) Hunched
B) Strong
C) Simple
D) Simian
Q: Analogy word of Slapstick:Laughter (CSS-2016)
A) Fallacy: dismay
B) Genre : mystery
C) Satire : anger
D) Horror : fear
Q: Analogy word of Conviction : Incarceration (CSS-2016)
A) Reduction : diminution
B) Induction : amelloration
C) Radicalization : estimation
D) Proliferation : alliteration
Q: Analogy word of Professor : Erudite (CSS-2016)
A) Aviator : Licensed
B) Inventor : imaginative
C) Overseer : wealthy
D) Moderator : vicious
Q: Analogy word of Metaphor : Symbol (CSS-2016)
A) Analogy : comparison
B) Slang : usage
C) Nuance : song
D) Rhythem : melody
Q: Analogy word of Spy : Clandestine (CSS-2016)
A) Accountant : meticulous
B) Furrier : rambunctious
C) Lawyer : ironic
D) Shepherd : garruious
Q: Analogy word of Verve : Enthusiasm (CSS-2016)
A) Loyalty : duplicity
B) Devotion : reverence
C) Intensity : color
D) Eminence : anonymity
Q: Analogy word of Deltoid : Muscle (CSS-2016)
A) Radius : bone
B) Brain L nerve
C) Tissue : organ
D) Blood : vein
Q: Analogy word of Dependable : Capricious (CSS-2016)
A) Fallible : cantankerous
B) Erasable : obtuse
C) Malleable : limpid
D) Capable : inept
Q: Synonyms of Flagrant (CSS-2015)
A) Expensive
B) Common
C) Clerical
D) Glaring
Q: Synonyms of Imminet (CSS-2015)
A) Important
B) Historical
C) Impending
D) Innopportune
Q: Synonyms of Asute (CSS-2015)
A) Tedious
B) Illogical
C) Aggressive
D) Shrewd
Q: Synonyms of Averse (CSS-2015)
A) Eager
B) Reluctant
C) Willing
D) Unresponsive
Q: Synonyms of Prognosis (CSS-2015)
A) Offering
B) Prediction
C) Warning
D) Advance
Q: Synonyms of Pungent (CSS-2015)
A) Sharp
B) Disagreeable
C) Smoky
D) Anesthetizing
Q: Synonyms of Flduclary (CSS-2015)
A) Trustee
B) Assistant
C) Notary
D) Attorney
Q: Synonyms of Philandering (CSS-2015)
A) Spending
B) Exaggerating
C) Wandering
D) None
Q: Synonyms of Polgnant (CSS-2015)
A) Precious
B) Tender
C) Intense
D) Sorrowful
Q: Synonyms of Contingent (CSS-2015)
A) Conditional
B) Questionable
C) Argued
D) Rejected
Q: Antonyms of Veteran (CSS-2015)
A) Novice
B) Pious
C) Intellectual
D) Debutante
Q: Antonyms of Important (CSS-2015)
A) Trivial
B) Clear
C) Turning
D) Wavy
Q: Antonyms of Irregular (CSS-2015)
A) Erratic
B) Prevalling
C) Difficult
D) Enticing
Q: Antonyms of Spending (CSS-2015)
A) Sober
B) Mute
C) Revenue
D) Spendthrift
Q: Antonyms of Clumsy (CSS-2015)
A) Foolish
B) Inept
C) Infer
D) Dexterous
Q: Antonyms of Lauded (CSS-2015)
A) Disparage
B) Appiaud
C) Settle
D) Hesitate
Q: Antonyms of Cowardly (CSS-2015)
A) Bravely
B) Poor
C) Master
D) Ignorant
Q: Antonyms of Praise (CSS-2015)
A) Censure
B) Tickle
C) Acclaim
D) Skip
Q: Antonyms of Confuse (CSS-2015)
A) Lucid
B) Extraordinary
C) Dirty
D) Muddle
Q: Antonyms of Negiect (CSS-2015)
A) Omit
B) Destroy
C) Mistake
D) Nourisi
Q: Nearest meaning of Bristie (CSS-2013)
A) Regulate
B) Flare up
C) Frail
D) Exhilarate
Q: Nearest meaning of Deluge (CSS-2013)
A) Inmerse
B) Rescue
C) Drown
D) Overflow
Q: Nearest meaning of Trade (CSS-2013)
A) Argument
B) Procession
C) Angry speech
D) Torture
Q: Nearest meaning of Quasi (CSS-2013)
A) Secret
B) Improper
C) Seeming
D) Whole
Q: Nearest meaning of Villfy (CSS-2013)
A) To proof
B) Boast
C) Defame
D) Defraud
Q: Nearest meaning of Rigmarole (CSS-2013)
A) Unnecessery
B) Disorder
C) Confused talk
D) Game
Q: Nearest meaning of Proistrate (CSS-2013)
A) Government Secretariat
B) Trade agreement
C) Laboring class
D) Wealthy class
Q: Nearest meaning of Ludicrous (CSS-2013)
A) Liberal
B) Fearful
C) Comic
D) Praise worthy
Q: Nearest meaning of Malefic (CSS-2013)
A) Belong to a male person
B) Baleful
C) Social
D) Fighting by nature
Q: Opposite meaning of Languld (CSS-2013)
A) Feeble
B) Dull
C) Vigorous
D) Weak
Q: Opposite meaning of High strung (CSS-2013)
A) Nervous
B) Tense
C) Costly
D) Clam
Q: Opposite meaning of Mattle (CSS-2013)
A) Courage
B) Boldness
C) Cowardice
D) Spirit
Q: Opposite meaning of Abridgement (CSS-2013)
A) Epitome
B) Dissect
C) Abstract
D) None of these
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