Multiple Choice Questions

Everyday Science

Q: Hepatitis is a disease of which of the following organ?
A) Heart
B) Liver
C) Lungs
D) Brain
Q: The sum is containing ____________% mass of the solar system?
A) 0.7524
B) 0.7936
C) 0.891
D) 0.9986
Q: Glass is made of the mixture of___________?
A) Quartz and Mica
B) Sand and salt
C) Sand and Silicates
D) None of these
Q: The volume of Blood in a Human body to be approximately __________of body weight ?
A) 0.06
B) 0.07
C) 0.08
D) 0.09
Q: Nearest galaxy to our milky way is_____________?
A) Messier 81
B) Anderomeda
C) Traingulum
D) Whirlpool
Q: Deficieny of Iodine causes :_____________?
A) Anemia
B) Scurvy
C) Goiter
D) Rickets
Q: The density of Air is_____________?
A) 0.225kg/m3
B) 1.025kg/m3
C) 1.225kg/m3
D) 1.425kg/m3
Q: Which of the following does not pullute the air?
A) Nitrogen Dioxide
B) Sulfur dioxide
C) Carbon Dioxide
D) none of these
Q: How many meters are in one miles?
A) 1409.34
B) 1509.34
C) 1609.34
D) None of these
Q: Frozen dew is also known as _____________?
A) Frost
B) Black ice
C) Frozen ice
D) Black hail
Q: According to many, including the Guinness Book of World Record ,__________ is the world's rarest mineral?
A) Painite
B) Benitoite
C) Jadeite
D) Taaffeite
Q: In Fishes excrertory Product is_________?
A) Nitrogen
B) Anmonia
C) Uria
D) Carbon dioxide
Q: CT Scan stand for______________?
A) Computed Tomography Scan
B) Computer Topography Scan
C) Computed Topography Scan
D) Computer Tomography Scan
Q: Which part of the Brain regulates Body Temperature?
A) cerebullum
B) Cerebum
C) hypothalamus
D) medulla
Q: Summer solstice means?
A) Longest day
B) longest night
C) Smallest day
D) none of these
Q: What is the name of the biggest part of human brain?
A) cerebullum
B) Cerebum
C) Brianstem
D) Pituitary
Q: What is the name of branch of the science that studeis the ocean?
A) Oceangraphy
B) Algology
C) Phology
D) Orintology
Q: Which term describes the emission of light by a living organism?
A) Natural light
B) Biolumines cence
C) Illumination
D) Mimicry
Q: Why are arte soft drink made with chilled water rather than water at room temperature?
A) Ingredients disssolve better in chilled water
B) Chilled water enhances the taste
C) Chilled water attracts more carbon dioxide
D) Chilled water is more hygienic
Q: All forms of energy that we use are ultimately transformed into_____________?
A) Electrical energy
B) Heat Energy
C) Light energy
D) Chemical Energy
Q: A man can survive without food for a least?
A) One month
B) Two month
C) Three month
D) Four month
Q: Which blood group is universal receiver?
A) Group A
B) Group B
C) Group AB
D) Group O
Q: Bleaching action of chlorine is by___________?
A) Oxidation
B) Reduction
C) Decomposition
D) Hydrolysis
Q: Ruby is an oxide of______________?
A) silver
B) gold
C) platinum
D) Aluminium oxide
Q: Which of the following in the human body is affected by leukemia?
A) Blood
B) Lungs
C) Eyes
D) Nerves
Q: Who first discovered how blood circulates in the human body?
A) Edward Jenner
B) Joseph Lister
C) William Harvey
D) Gregor Mendal
Q: What causes mumps ?
A) Fungus
B) Bacterium
C) Deficiency of vitamins
D) Virus
Q: What is the common name for the drug acetyl salicylic acid?
A) Paracetamol
B) Analgin
C) Asprin
D) Penicillin
Q: Chemically finger nails are made up of __________?
A) Carbohydrate
B) Fats
C) Protein
D) Starch
Q: Enology is the study of___________?
A) Wine
B) Digestion
C) Kidneys
D) None
Q: The metal,which is a constituent of vitamin B12 is____________?
A) iron
B) Magnesium
C) Zinc
D) Cobalt
Q: What happens to a person who receives thw wrong type of blood ?
A) All the artries constrict
B) All the arteries dialates
C) The RCBs Agglutinate
D) The spleen and lymphnodes deteriorate
Q: Study of fruit is called ____________?
A) Pomology
B) Plriculture
C) Sericulture
D) Apiculture
Q: The lens used in a simple microscope is___________?
A) Concave
B) Convex
C) Cylindrical
D) None
Q: Lunar eclipse occurs on__________?
A) New Moon
B) Full Moon
C) Half Moon
D) Quarter Moon
Q: Red + Green +Blue=______________?
A) Marron
B) White
C) Black
D) None of the above
Q: "Beaufort Scale"is used to measure
A) Wind velocity
B) Air pressure
C) Wind direction
D) Humidity
Q: Which gas is used in preparation of Soda water ?
A) Ammonia
B) Hydrogen
C) Nitrogen
D) Carbon Dioxide
Q: Goitre is associated with_______________?
A) Pituitary gland
B) Thyriod gland
C) Thymus gland
D) Parathyriod gland
Q: Which of the following branch of physics delas with the internal strucrture of earth?
A) Biophysics
B) Geophysics
C) Plasma physics
D) Atomic physics
Q: Instrument that measure the elctric force ____________?
A) Hygrometer
B) Hydrometer
C) Ammeter
D) Voltmeter
Q: The average weight of man's brain is 4.8 ounces .What is the average weight of women's brain?
A) 4.8 ounce
B) 5.8 ounce
C) 5.4 ounce
D) 4.4 ounce
Q: Black gold is an oil;Black diamond is_____________?
A) Copper
B) Iron
C) Coal
D) Wood
Q: Water has been discovered on which poteintailly habitable super-Earth?
A) K2-14d
B) k2-15c
C) k2-13a
D) k2-18b
Q: Chronometer is invented by______________?
A) Robert Fulton
B) Nikola Tesla
C) Martin cooper
D) John Harrison
Q: What is the largest flower in the world ?
A) Conifer
B) Fern
C) Rafflesia
D) Horsetail
Q: According to which law gas is directly proportional to temperature ?
A) Charles Law
B) Boyles Law
C) Grams law
D) Dalton's Law
Q: The process where by energy is dissipated from the oscillating system is called
A) Oscillation
B) Damping
C) Resonance
D) None of these
Q: The photo-receptors in the eye are present in______________?
A) Cornea
B) Retina
C) Iris
D) Sclera
Q: The contraction and expansion of the movement of the walls of the food pipe after entering the slightly digested food is known as _______movement
A) Gastric
B) Diastolic
C) Peristaltic
D) Oscillatory

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