Multiple Choice Questions

General Knowledge

Q: The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the plane of:
A) Equator
B) Axis of the earth
C) Arctic Circle
D) Tropic of Capricorn
Q: Which of the following is the farthest from the centre of the earth?
A) South Pole
B) Equator
C) Antarctic circle
D) Tropic of Capricorn
Q: If the difference in time between two places were 2 house and 20 minutes, then the deference in their longitude would be:
A) 30º
B) 35º
C) 45º
D) 50º
Q: When ship crossed Date-line from west to east:
A) It loses one day
B) It gains one day
C) It loses half day
D) It gains half day
Q: The International Date-line passes through the:
A) Bering Strait
B) Florida Strait
C) Gibraltar Strait
D) Malacca Strait
Q: Sense of time is due to:
A) Rotation of earth
B) Revolution of earth
C) Rotation of moon
D) Both (a) and (b)
Q: Which of the following is a great circle?
A) Equator
B) Tropic of Capricorn
C) Arctic Circle
D) Tropic of Cancer
Q: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the standard time of which of the following countries?
A) India
B) Japan
D) France
Q: At which particular place in earth are days and nights of equal length always?
A) Prime Meridian
B) Equator
C) Poles
D) Nowhere
Q: The International Date-line makes slight deviation from 180º meridian so that it:
A) Divides the land masses under the same administration
B) Does not divide the Bering Strait
C) Does not divide a group of islands under the same administration
D) Divides the Pacific ocean into two equal halves
Q: The earth turns through 360º in 24 hours. Each 15º longitude represents:
A) One hour
B) Half an hour
C) Forty-five minutes
D) None of these
Q: One degree of longitude on the equator on equal to a distance of:
A) 34.5 miles
B) 50 miles
C) 69 miles
D) 80 miles
Q: Which of the following statements is correct?
A) All longitudes and latitudes are great circles
B) All longitudes and equator are great circle
C) All longitudes and Greenwich meridian are great circle
D) None of these
Q: The international Date-line is located in the:
A) Pacific Ocean
B) Atlantic Ocean
C) Indian Ocean
D) Arctic Ocean
Q: USA is divided into____ time zones.
A) 4
B) 7
C) 10
D) 12
Q: Latitudes and longitudes both:
A) Pass through poles
B) Run parallel to equator
C) Run perpendicular to each other
D) None of these
Q: Latitude of a point on the earth is measured by the distance in:
A) Kilometres from the poles
B) Angles from the equator
C) Kilometres from the equators
D) None of these
Q: The International Date-line is an imaginary line extending from pole to pole along the places on the earth's surface and lies along the:
A) 0º meridian
B) 180º meridian
C) 100º meridian
D) 12oº meridian
Q: The equator is:
A) 90º latitude
B) 0º latitude
C) 0º longitude
D) None of these
Q: What is the longitude of a town if its local time 6 pm when Greenwich Time is 4:00 pm?
A) 20º E
B) 30º E
C) 20º W
D) 20º N
Q: Maximum difference in the spacing of longitudes is:
A) At poles
B) At equator
C) At tropic
D) At Arctic circle
Q: The local time of a place is known with reference to its:
A) Distance from the capital city
B) Longitudinal position
C) Latitudinal position
D) None of these
Q: In how many time zones has the world been divided?
A) 15
B) 24
C) 30
D) 32
Q: What is a chronometer?
A) An instrument used to measure the degree of latitude
B) A highly accurate time piece which is used to keep Greenwich meantime
C) A scale which tells the distance between any two places
D) None of these
Q: What is Graticule?
A) The complete network of parallels and meridian on the earth
B) The latitudinal extend of country
C) The difference between standard time
D) None of these
Q: Which of the following is a small circle?
A) Equator
B) 23.5º E
C) 20.5º E
D) 25º S
Q: Prime Meridian is also called:
A) Arctic circle
B) Equator
C) Greenwich Meridian
D) Artic Pole
Q: Which is the longest of the following lines?
A) 0º meridian
B) 45º E
C) 90º W
D) All are equal
Q: The wind system in the equatorial area is known as:
A) Westerlies
B) Trades
C) Doldrums
D) Monsoon
Q: The phenomenon of aurora borealis, the display of red and green lights in northern hemisphere is due to radiation from:
A) Troposphere
B) Mesosphere
C) Ionsphere
D) None of these
Q: The doldrums is an area of
A) Low temperature
B) Low pressure
C) Low rainfall
D) Low Humidity
Q: The monsoon has well developed cycle in:
A) South & South East Asia
B) United States
C) East Australia
D) Africa
Q: Which one of the following is most destructive?
A) Cyclone
B) Tornado
C) Typhoon
D) Willy-willy
Q: The winds blowing from sea towards the coastal areas are called:
A) Ocean current
B) Sea breeze
C) Ocean current
D) Land breeze
Q: Anticyclones are caused by
A) Violent winds
B) Heavy rainfall
C) Winds that blow spirally outwards from the centre
D) None of these
Q: Hurricanes are cyclonic storms in the:
A) Indian Ocean
B) South China Sea
C) West Indies and Gulf of Mexico
D) West Pacific ocean
Q: Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to
A) Revolution of earth
B) Uneven heating
C) Gravitational pull
D) Rotation of earth
Q: The four major components of atmosphere are
A) Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide and Argon
B) Oxygen, Hydrogen, Helium and Carbon
C) Oxygen, Water vapours, Nitrogen, Argon
D) None of these
Q: Increase in carbon dioxide in atmosphere
A) Rise in earth temperature
B) Fall in earth temperature
C) Uniform earth temperature
D) Increase in ultraviolet rays
Q: Which of the following occurs more frequently than to other three in the Indian Ocean?
A) Cyclones
B) Hurricanes
C) Tornadoes
D) Typhoons
Q: Which of the following winds is not a constant wind?
A) Cyclone
B) Monsoon
C) Hurricane
D) Westerlies
Q: Pampero is
A) A cold wind which prevails in Argentina and Uruguay
B) A low pressure area in Ecuador
C) A moisture laden wind
D) A high pressure area
Q: "Beaufort scale" is used to measure
A) Air pressure
B) Wind velocity
C) Wind direction
D) Humidity
Q: The plane of contact of the troposphere and stratosphere is known as:
A) Mesosphere
B) Tropopause
C) Ionosphere
D) None of these
Q: When the wind is defected due to the rotation of the earth, it is called as
A) Polar wind
B) Geostrophic wind
C) Westerlies
D) Trade winds
Q: Which one of the following is not a correct example of tropical cyclones?
A) Hurricanes
B) Tornadoes
C) Typhoons
D) Hydrosphere
Q: The jet stream is found in the
A) Troposphere
B) Mesosphere
C) Stratosphere
D) None of these
Q: Which one of the following is a cold wind?
A) Foehn
B) Buran
C) Chinook
D) Sirocco
Q: The dry wind 'Santa Ana' blows in:
A) Siberia
B) California
C) Argentina
D) Switzerland
Q: The portion of the atmosphere which extends from the earth's surface up to 6-8 miles and experiences decrease in temperature at constant rate is:
A) Stratosphere
B) Troposphere
C) Tropopause
D) None of these

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