Multiple Choice Questions

Everyday Science

Q: If you have "caries "then which doctor you have consult?
A) Dermatology
B) Orthopaedist
C) Dentist
D) Neurologist
Q: In Eye donation ,which part of the eye used ?
A) Retina
B) Iris
C) Cornea
D) Optic nerve
Q: How many moons does Neptune have?
A) 63
B) 12
C) 19
D) 13
Q: What is rarest blood type in humans ?
A) O-
B) O+
C) AB+
D) AB-
Q: The lowest region of the earth's atmosphere comes between the earth and stratosphere . What is this region's name?
A) Ionosphere
B) Troposphere
C) Stratosphere
D) Mesosphere
Q: Which is the hottest planet in our Solar system?
A) Venus
B) Neptune
C) Mars
D) None of these
Q: Heating element of an electric heater is made up of______________?
A) Tungsten
B) Graphite
C) Chromium
D) Nichrome
Q: In BTU system, one BTU is equal to______________?
A) 2055 Joule
B) 1155 Joule
C) 2155 Joule
D) 1055 Joule
Q: For water purification ,we use ?
A) Chlorine
B) Bromine
C) Plants
D) Young man
Q: Which of the following regulates the Metabolism of Sugar?
A) Thyroid
B) Insulin
C) Glucose
D) None of these
Q: What is the mixture of Potassium Nitrate Powdered Charcoal and Sulphur called ?
A) Paint
B) Glass
C) Gun powder
D) Cement
Q: Who is created periodic table?
A) Faraday
B) Lavoisier
C) Arrhenius
D) Mendeleev
Q: The term PVC used in the plastic industry stands for ____________?
A) Phosphavinyl chloride
B) Phosphorvanadiu chloride
C) Polyvinyl chloride
D) Polyvinyl carbobate
Q: Name the drugs which block the sensory nerves and prevent the patient from feeling pain?
A) Analgesics
B) Antibiotics
C) Antihistamines
D) Anaesthetics
Q: Who invented Logarithm Tables?
A) John Napier
B) John Doe
C) John Harrison
D) John Douglas
Q: In which part of the plant does photosynthesis take place?
A) Flowers
B) Roots
C) Stem
D) Leaves
Q: Which of the following is responsible for largest amount of oxygen on earth?
A) peat bogs
B) Algae
C) Tree
D) None of these
Q: The lustre of diamond is due to____________?
A) Reflection
B) Total internal reflection
C) Refraction
D) None of these
Q: The type of glass used in making lenses and prism is__________________?
A) Pyrex glass
B) jean glass
C) flint glass
D) Soft glass
Q: EEG records the activity of___________________?
A) Heart
B) Lungs
C) Brain
D) Muscles
Q: Earthquakes occur most frequently at______________________?
A) Plate boundaries
B) Plate surface
C) Ocean beds
D) All of the above
Q: What is anthracite?
A) Carbon
B) Hard coal
C) Ammonia
D) None of these
Q: Which are the only two elements on the periodic table that are liquid at room temperature?
A) Mercury and Bromine
B) Carbon and helium
C) Nitrogen and Hydrogen
D) Oxygen and Neon
Q: What is the body's natural or acquired ability to resist certain diseases ?
A) Immunity
B) Endocrine
C) Exocrine
D) All of above
Q: Dead red blood corpuscles are stored in____________________?
A) Liver
B) Spleen
C) Kidney
D) Heart
Q: Granite is a ________________?
A) Metamorphic rock
B) Igneous
C) Sedimentary rock
D) None of these
Q: Where is the Uvula located in human body ?
A) Throat
B) Stomach
C) Scrotum
D) None
Q: Which animal has no vocal chords ?
A) Lion
B) Zebra
C) Dolphin
D) Giraffes
Q: Being Myopic means you have problem in seeking _________________?
A) Distant objects clearly
B) Close objects clearly
C) Both A and B
D) Distant and close objects look unclear
Q: The hormone that increases that rate of heart beat and blood pressure after shock in a person is ____________________?
A) Adrenalin
B) Gastrin
C) Thyroxin
D) Pancreatic
Q: Biopsy is done on tissues taken from________________?
A) Human body
B) Animal body
C) Living body
D) Dead body
Q: The planet which revolves slowly around the Sun is _______________________?
A) Mercury
B) Mars
C) Earth
D) Neptune
Q: Animals use nitrogen in the form of________________?
A) Nitrogen
B) Nitrates
C) Nitrites
D) None of above
Q: Who is the known as the father of taxonomy?
A) Aristotle
B) Franco Redi
C) Carolus Linnaeus
D) Rachel Carson
Q: Who discovered blood circulation?
A) Carl Linnaeus
B) Francis Crik
C) Robert Brown
D) William Harvey
Q: What is the name of the gas used in the an air conditioner?
A) Ammonia
B) Nitrous oxide
C) Freon
D) CO2
Q: Which law states that the rate of the effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its density?
A) Graham's Law
B) Gray Lussac's law
C) Boyle's law
D) None of these
Q: _______________soil is also called Regur soil?
A) Desert
B) Mountain
C) Black
D) Alluvial
Q: The heaviest man made element found so for is ___________________?
A) Promethium
B) Ununoctium
C) Francium
D) Technetium
Q: Which metal is pure conductor of electricity?
A) Copper
B) Gold
C) Silver
D) lead
Q: Which instrument is used to measure the power of electric circuit?
A) Wave meter
B) Viscometer
C) Wattmeter
D) None of these
Q: Sound travels in air at an average speed of nearly_________________?
A) 1257 miles per hour
B) 755 miles per hour
C) 330 miles per hour
D) None of these
Q: Which of the following is not a chemical reaction?
A) Burning of coal
B) Conversion of water into steam
C) Digestion of food
D) Burning of people
Q: What is animal longest gestation period of about 640 to 660 days or weeks of any land animal?
A) Blue Whale
B) Elephant
C) Opossum
D) None of these
Q: What is the scientific name of flying fish?
A) Exocoetidae
B) Anoplopom a fimbria
C) Orthospsetta sordida
D) Xiphias gladius
Q: Disease which transferred from animal to Human is_____________________?
A) Sporadic
B) Epidemic
C) Endemic
D) Zoonosis
Q: Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of_____________________?
A) Nuclear fusion
B) Artificial radioactivity
C) Natural radioactivity
D) Nuclear fission
Q: What is the molecular formula for Ammonia?
B) NH2
C) NH3
D) NH4
Q: Mostly which gases found of the planet Jupiter ?
A) Hydrogen
B) Chlorine
C) Hydrogen and Helium
D) Neon
Q: Chemical formula of Water is ____________________________?
B) H2O
C) AI2O3
D) CaSiO3

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