Multiple Choice Questions
General Knowledge
Q: How many judges are members of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)?
A) 10
B) 20
C) 15
D) 25
Q: Which organ of United Nations is considered as world parliament?
A) Security Council
B) General Assembly
C) International Court of Justice
D) Trusteeship Council
Q: Which of the following countries is not a member of G-15 of developing Countries?
A) Mexico
B) Bolivia
C) Egypt
D) Brazil
Q: Which of the following countries is considered as an original member of the United Nations though it signed the charter later?
A) India
B) Angola
C) Poland
D) Nigeria
Q: The first Secretary-General of the United Nations was:
A) U. Thant
B) Trygve Lie
C) Kurt Waldheim
D) None of these
Q: The number of principal organs of the United Nations is:
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6
Q: The normal term of office of United Nations Secretary-General is:
A) 3 years
B) 5 years
C) 4 years
D) 7 years
Q: How many former republics of USSR have become members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)?
A) 9
B) 10
C) 11
D) 16
Q: The office of the United Nations General Assembly is in:
A) Vienna
B) Paris
C) New York
D) London
Q: The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) is located at:
A) Bangkok
B) Singapore
C) Manila
D) Kuala Lumper
Q: The United Nations Charter was ratified in 1945 by:
A) 29 countries
B) 37 countries
C) 40 countries
D) 50 countries
Q: Which of the following agencies related to the United Nations was in existence before the World War II?
Q: Which of the following countries is not a member of the "Club of the Rich Countries (G-8)"?
A) Norway
B) United States
C) Italy
D) France
Q: Which of the following is a military alliance?
Q: Which of the following is not a member of the G-15?
A) India
B) Pakistan
C) Senegal
D) Malaysia
Q: "INTERPOL" has its headquarters at:
A) London
B) Lyon
C) Geneva
D) Washington
Q: Which of the following statements regarding OPEC is incorrect?
A) It was formed in 1960
B) Its membership is open to every country
C) It was formed to control production and pricing of crude oil
D) It has been successful in determining world oil prices to a large extent
Q: Which of the following is used at the logo of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)?
A) Lion
B) Tiger
C) Panda
D) Deer
Q: The headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross )ICRC) is situated in:
A) Paris
B) Geneva
C) New York
D) The Hague
Q: Which organ of the United Nations has ceased its operations?
A) Trusteeship Council
B) International Court of Justice
C) The Secretariat
D) Economic Council
Q: The first Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) 1992 was held at:
A) Delhi
B) Rio de Janeiro
C) New York
D) London
Q: Which country was expelled from the United Nations on September 22, 1992?
A) Yugoslavia
B) South Africa
C) Iraq
D) Iran
Q: The members countries of NAFTA are:
A) US, Canada and Mexico
B) US, Russia, Germany and India
C) Mexico, Brazil and Chile
D) UK, Brazil and Italy
Q: The Secretariat of the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation is located at:
A) Tehran
B) Istanbul
C) Islamabad
D) Kuala Lumper
Q: Which United Nations body deals with population problem?
Q: Amnesty International (AI) is associated with which of the following fields?
A) Protection of human rights
B) Protection of cruelty of animals
C) Protection of historical monuments
D) Environmental protection
Q: In acronym of SAARC, 'C' stand for:
A) Committee
B) Cooperation
C) Commonwealth
D) Conference
Q: "Bread for the world Institute" which focuses on problems of poverty and hunger in the world, is based in:
A) London
B) Washington
C) Geneva
D) New York
Q: Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) was established in:
A) 1980
B) 1985
C) 1986
D) 1988
Q: The headquarters of ECO is located at:
A) Tehran
B) Islamabad
C) Ankara
D) None of these
Q: Permanent Secretariat of SAARC is located at:
A) Dhaka
B) Katmandu
C) Colombo
D) Lahore
Q: Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was established in:
A) 1991
B) 1985
C) 1995
D) 2000
Q: The first SAARC Summit was held at:
A) New Delhi
B) Dhaka
C) Islamabad
D) Kathmandu
Q: The OIC has members:
A) 56
B) 57
C) 58
D) 59
Q: How many member-countries of SAARC are islands?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Q: Which of the following countries is not a member of G-7, a group of seven most industrialized of the world?
A) Russia
B) Germany
C) France
D) United States
Q: The main aim of SAARC is:
A) Peaceful co-existence
B) Regional cooperation
C) Non-alignment
D) None of these
Q: The objective of Commonwealth Equity Fund is:
A) To help poor countries
B) To contribute the stock market
C) Long-term capital appreciation through equity
D) None of these
Q: Declaration of "World peace and Cooperation" was the most significant decision of NAM's:
A) Jakarta Conference
B) Bandung Conference
C) Manila Conference
D) None of these
Q: The Secretariat of Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) is at:
A) Geneva
B) London
C) New York
D) Paris
Q: AAP' (Australia Associated Press) is the news agency of:
A) United States
B) Australia
C) England
D) Italy
Q: AFP' (Agence Frace-Presse) is the news agency of:
A) Belgium
B) France
C) Russia
D) India
Q: ANA-MPA' (Athens Macdonian News Agency) is the news agency of:
A) Greece
B) England
C) India
D) Cyprus
Q: ANGOP' (Angola Press Agency) is the news agency of:
A) Angola
B) France
C) United States
D) Austria
Q: ANSA' (Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata) is the news agency of:
A) Pakistan
B) Italy
C) India
D) United States
Q: Antara' is the news agency of:
A) United States
B) Indonesia
C) Germany
D) Britain
Q: AP' is the news agency of:
A) United States
B) Australia
C) France
D) Britain
Q: APP' (Associated Press of Pakistan) is the news agency of:
A) United States
B) Pakistan
C) Britain
D) Portugal
Q: ATA' (Albanian Telegraphic Agency) is the news agency of:
A) United States
B) Albania
C) Germany
D) Britain
Q: APS' Algeric Press Service) is the news agency of:
A) United States
B) Algeria
C) Pakistan
D) India
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